Thursday, August 30, 2018


WHAT ARE EMFs? EMFs are electro-magnetic fields. The term usually refers to manmade EMFs that are either generated by our electrical system in buildings and appliances or by wireless transmitters (the most common of which are cell phones, cordless phones, laptops, cell towers, and wireless routers (or WiFi). This latter kind of EMFs is also referred to as microwave radiation or just radiation. WHAT DO EMFs DO TO THE HUMAN BODY? In general, manmade EMFs in our environment keep us from being able to connect to the Earth’s electro-magnetic field, which is where our bodies naturally heal and regenerate themselves. Since EMFs are biologically-meaningless to the body, when they hit the nervous system, the body interprets them as a threat. In response, the body then creates stress hormones, which slowly erode the immune system. People who have been in a highly electrically-hazardous environment in childhood and beyond often end up with any number of serious and chronic diseases, because their immune system has “collapsed.” When EMFs enter our body’s system, another important effect occurs: important minerals, such as calcium, potassium, sodium and lithium, which are needed to create metabolism in the cells, are ejected into the blood stream. From there, they are either inappropriately eliminated, causing such problems as mood instability, ADHD, depression or Alzheimers. Or, in the case of calcium, they are deposited in the joints, causing arthritis. Research has shown a direct correlation between EMF exposure and many diseases, such as cancer, Parkinsons, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Asthma, and Autism. Migraine and other headaches can also develop due to EMFs. HOW DO EARTHCALM PRODUCTS HELP PROTECT US FROM EMFs? EarthCalm Products ground us into the Earth’s electro-magnetic field (also known as the Schumann Resonance). This is the field our bodies are designed to live in, where they can naturally heal and thrive. When we are immersed in this field, man-made EMFs do not affect us.